Welcome ToEastpointe Middle School

Welcome to Eastpointe Middle School, a community middle school serving grades six and seven! 

In addition to an engaging and exciting curriculum, Eastpointe Middle School students have opportunities to participate in a variety of after-school clubs and sports as selected by the student body. At EMS, students are given a great environment to grow with the guidance of our energetic and caring staff. We can’t wait to welcome you to our EMS community!

Welcome Letter from Ms. Reece

2023-24 Cell Phone Policy

Suggested School Supply List

Blue or black pens
Crayons/colored pencils
Headphones (to connect to laptops/computers)

Post-It notes

Eastpointe Middle School Calendar

Eastpointe Middle School Calendar
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30 31

Upcoming Events


Eastpointe Middle School is a No Fighting Zone.

City of Eastpointe Ordinance Sec. 28-190. - Fighting on school property.

No person shall, while present in any building or on any property that is owned, occupied, or otherwise used by any school, incite, participate, or otherwise be involved in any fight or other physical confrontation with another. Such prohibited conduct includes before, during, and after school hours or other social or sporting event hosted at any school. A person who violates this section is responsible for a municipal civil infraction, punishable by a fine of not more than $100.00 and costs of prosecution. A second or subsequent violation shall result in a fine up to $500.00 plus costs of prosecution. Pursuant to a probation order, the court may require a person who violates this section to participate in an anger management class, or other similar type of program, if available. A person who is ordered to participate in such a class or program under this section is responsible for the costs of participating in the class or program. In addition, or in lieu of a fine, the court may further order the person to perform community service.

Contact Us

Eastpointe Middle School

24701 Kelly Road
Eastpointe, MI 48021
Van Daugherty
Assistant Principal
Dr. Robyne Thompson
Interim Principal

Full School Day 

7:20 a.m. - 2:33 p.m.

Half School Day 

7:20 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. 


Late Start Wednesday 

8:20 a.m. - 2:33 p.m. 

2nd Semester Bell Schedule

Regular Start Days
1st Hour: 7:20 am-8:45am 
(includes breakfast & WIN Time)
2nd Hour: 8:48am-9:48am
3rd Hour: 9:51am-10:51am

6th Grade Lunch: 10:54 am-11:24 am
6th Grade 4th Hour: 11:27 am-12:27pm
7th Grade 4th Hour: 10:54 am- 11:54 am
7th Grade Lunch: 11:57 am-12:27 pm

5th Hour: 12:30 pm-1:30 pm
6th Hour: 1:33pm-2:33pm

Late Start Wednesdays
1st Hour: 8:20 am-9:23 am
(includes breakfast - no WIN time)
2nd Hour: 9:26 am-10:19 am
3rd Hour: 10:22 am-11:15 am

6th Grade Lunch: 11:18 am-11:44 am
7th Grade 4th Hour: 11:18 am- 12:11 pm
6th Grade 4th Hour: 11:47 am-12:40 pm
7th Grade Lunch: 12:14 pm-12:40 pm

5th Hour: 12:43 pm-1:36 pm
6th Hour: 1:39 pm-2:33 pm