Community resources
Eastpointe Community Schools, in partnership with our community, will provide a safe and supportive environment that engages students and prepares them to be successful in the future.
However, we also recognize that there are families in our district who may be in need of assistance outside the school environment. To help provide our families with available resources in our community, we have collected a list of Macomb County community resources that may provide services for housing, health and other daily needs. If you need help or are unsure of where to begin, please contact your child's school.
General Services
United Way
211 or (800) 552-1183
Provides information about community services including food, clothing, rent and utility assistance, physical and mental health.
The Right Connection
A comprehensive, user friendly directory to assist families in locating a wide array of free or low-cost community services.
Macomb County Crisis Line
(586) 307-9100
Provides phone assistance in a crisis or for community resource referrals. Available 24/7.
Department Of Human Services (DHS)
(586) 427-0600
27690 Van Dyke Avenue
Warren, MI 48093
Provides support for food, cash assistance, child care, Medicaid, utility shutoff, rent. Provides immediate State Emergency Relief (SER) help to low-income individuals and families who are normally able to meet their needs but occasionally need help when unexpected emergency situations arise. SER helps low-income households meet emergency needs such as heat & utilities, home repairs, relocation assistance, home ownership services, and burial. Only local DHS staff can make eligibility determinations for SER.
Macomb County Community Action Center
(586) 759-9150
Assists Macomb County residents with emergency utility and rent payments. Must be referred by the Department of Human Services. Also provides referrals to local food banks, transportation needs, Head Start Programs.
Samaritan Coalition
(586) 759-3020
Assists South Macomb County residents with emergency needs, such as food, shelter, medical needs, clothing, and others.
CARE of Southeastern Michigan
(586) 541-CARE
31900 Utica Rd.
Fraser, MI 48026
Provides personal and family support, offers parenting workshops, anger management classes, employee assistance programs, substance abuse referrals.