Read by grade three
In 2016, the Michigan Legislature passed the "Third-Grade Retention Law" (PA 306) to ensure that students exiting third grade are reading at or above grade level. Third graders who do not pass the state reading assessment beginning in the spring of 2020 may be retained (held back) from going on to fourth grade.
To continue onto the fourth grade, a student will need to do one of the following:
- Have a reading score that is less than one grade level behind on the Grade 3 M-Step ELA test.
- Demonstrate Grade 3 reading level through performance on an alternative standardized reading test approved by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
- Demonstrate Grade 3 reading level through a portfolio demonstrating competency in all Grade 3 state ELA standards.
Parents should note that there are also several "Good Cause Exemptions" that would allow students to proceed to fourth grade.
Individual Reading Plans
Our Eastpointe elementary schools are working together with families to help all children in grades K-3 to read at or above grade level by the end of the third grade. Our staff will help students achieve their literacy goals through an Individual Reading Intervention Plan (IRIP), progress monitoring, and interventions as needed.
Need help understanding your child's Individual Reading Intervention Plan (IRIP)?
View an IRIP with helpful notes and explanations.
View a blank Individual Reading Intervention Plan (IRIP).
Good Cause Exemptions
A "Good Cause Exemption" is a specific reason within the law for a child to be promoted to fourth grade even if their M-STEP scores are below grade level.
A student may qualify for a Good Cause Exemption if they:
- Have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan.
- Are an English Learner with less than three years instruction in an English Learner Program.
- Have been previously retained, or received intensive reading intervention for two or more years and still exhibit a reading deficiency.
- Have been enrolled in their current school for less than two years and did not have an IRIP in their previous school.
- The student’s parent or legal guardian has requested, in the appropriate timeframe, the student not be retained, and the superintendent, chief administrator, or his or her designee has determined that promotion is in the best interest of the student.
Additional Resources
Parent Guide to PA 306
Parent Toolkit
Facts for Families
Good Cause Exemption FAQ