Employment Information

District Positions

Click the District Positions link above to apply for any of the following positions:

  • Classroom Teachers
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Social Workers & Speech Therapists
  • Administrative Assistants
  • Head/Assistant Cooks
  • Cafeteria Helpers (part-time)

Substitute Teaching Positions

If you love helping students grow and learn, substitute teaching is for you! 

Substitute Teaching EduStaff Daily Rates

Long Term Certified Rate - $200
Long Term Non-Certified Rate - $175
Premiere (Building Subs) - $150 
Daily Sub Rate - $140

Retired district employees are eligible to return to payroll. Contact Human Resources at 586-533-3009 to ask about daily rates for retired staff.

Interested in working as a substitute teacher? Please apply using the following instructions:

  1. Go to EDUStaff
  2. Top left hand corner, click on "Start Application"
  3. Complete the online application

Questions or concerns? Call EDUStaff at 877.974.6338

Pathways to Certification

Interested in teaching but you don't have a certificate yet? Click above to learn more about alternative paths to certification!

Food Service Positions

Apply for Food Service Positions, including Noon Aide, through EduStaff.

Transportation Positions

Apply for Bus Drivers and Bus Aide Positions with Dean Transportation. Call or text questions to 248-296-2434.

Security Positions

Apply for Security Positions through EduStaff.

Coaching Positions

Apply for Coaching Positions through EduStaff.

Support Positions

Apply for Support Positions through Edustaff. 

Custodial Positions 

Apply for Custodial Positions through Forefront. Select Eastpointe as your location for full-time and part-time opportunities.

General Substitute Positions

Substitutes are needed for the following positions:

  • Food Services
  • Lunch Aides
  • Secretarial

If you are interested in any of the above substitute positions,  please submit a substitute application through EduStaff.


It is the policy of Eastpointe Community Schools that no person shall, on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, marital status, or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in employment or in any of its programs or activities.


Opportunities for Former Teachers

Information for retired teachers wanting to return to classroom

Eastpointe Community Schools is excited to participate in the Welcome Back Proud Michigan Educators program. This campaign encourages formerly certified educators to seek employment and partner with districts to reduce or eliminate barriers to recertification and facilitate re-entry into the profession. 

Frequently Asked Questions

MDE Educator Interest Survey


Welcome Back Proud Michigan Educator logo

Benefits, Employment  & Labor Relations

24685 Kelly Road
Eastpointe, MI 48021

Human Resources Staff

Meaghan Durham
Human Resource Specialist
Wendy Orris
Administrative Assistant/Benefits Coordinator

Fax: (586) 533-3013