Strategic Planning

Empower. Care. Succeed.

On January 9, 2023, the Eastpointe Community Schools Board of Education approved a new strategic plan, which will serve as a roadmap for our future. This strategic plan was the result of several meetings of a diverse group of district stakeholders, including teachers and staff, administrators, parents, students, alumni, and community members.

We are excited to share our mission, vision, and goals with you, and we look forward to bringing this strategic plan to life for each and every student in Eastpointe!

our motto: empower, care, succeed

Our Mission

Eastpointe Community Schools is the heart of learning, caring, and support for our community, where we empower students to embrace learning, achieve their personal best, and develop a healthy emotional, social, and physical well-being.

Our Vision

Eastpointe Community Schools, in partnership with the community, will empower each student to become a lifelong learner who strives to be a responsible, productive, and engaged citizen.


Student Growth & Achievement

GOAL 1: Empower all students to be future ready prepared to dream, believe, and achieve.

Key Performance Indicator

On-Track Graduation Rate:  Increase the percentage of full academic year students on track to graduate.


Ahead of Target

Target Goal

85% graduation rate by 2026

Key Performance Indicator

ELA State Assessment Performance: Increase the percentage of full academic year students that meet or exceed grade level proficiency.  


On Target

Target Goal

3% increase in students meeting or exceeding grade level proficiency

Key Performance Indicator

ELA Local Reading Growth: Increase the percentage of full academic year students who meet growth projections fall to spring


Behind Target

Target Goal

50% of students meeting growth projections (4% increase annually)

Key Performance Indicator

Math State Assessment Performance: Increase the percentage of full academic year students that meet or exceed grade level proficiency.


Behind Target

Target Goal

3% increase in students meeting or exceeding grade level proficiency

Key Performance Indicator

Math Local Assessment Growth: Increase the percentage of full academic year students who meet growth projections from fall to spring.


Behind Target

Target Goal

4% increase in students meeting growth projections annually

Key Performance Indicator

Advanced & Career Coursework: Increase student enrollment in honors, advanced placement, and dual-enrollment classes


On Target

Target Goal

75% of high school students enrolled in advanced or career coursework

Key Performance Indicator

Post-Secondary Enrollment: Increase the percentage of students who apply for and enter a post-secondary program (college, trade school, or armed forces)


On Target

Target Goal


Key Performance Indicator

Building Turnaround Networks: Each building will establish a Building Turnaround Network (BTN) to develop, monitor, and evaluate building level goals centered around student growth and achievement.



Target Goal

BTN established and running at all buildings

Learning Environment & Supports

GOAL 2: Establish a safe, positive, and engaging learning environment to meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of each student.

Key Performance Indicator

Attendance: Increase student attendance across the district. 


On Target

Target Goal

5% increase in average daily attendance

Key Performance Indicator

Attendance: Decrease chronic student absenteeism across the district.


Behind Target

Target Goal

5% decrease annually in chronically absent students

Key Performance Indicator

Behavior Data: Decrease numbers of incidents and days of suspension.


Behind Target

Target Goal

Decrease in number of incidents resulting in suspension

Key Performance Indicator

Student Participation: Increase opportunities in extracurricular activities for grades 6-12.


Ahead of Target

Target Goal

Increase number of clubs/activities

Key Performance Indicator

Student Participation: Equity in grades 3-5 extracurricular activities


On Target

Target Goal

Consistent offerings across elementary buildings

Key Performance Indicator

Student Satisfaction: Increase percentage of students responding positively on annual survey regarding belonging, supportive environment, relationship with peers and teachers, and diversity and inclusion.


Baseline established in 2024

Target Goal


Working Environment & High-Quality Staff

GOAL 3: Attract, hire, develop, and retain an exceptional workforce to ensure innovation, compassion, responsibility, and accountability.

Key Performance Indicator

Promote belonging, access, opportunity, and respect in instructional programs and practices; measure staff response


Baseline established 2024

Target Goal


Key Performance Indicator

Staff Satisfaction: Increase staff satisfaction, morale, and performance.


Baseline established 2024

Target Goal


Key Performance Indicator

Staff Attendance: Decrease percentage of staff dock day absences


On Target

Target Goal


Key Performance Indicator

Certified Teachers: Maintain a level of 90% or more teachers who are fully certified


On Target

Target Goal


Key Performance Indicator

Staff Retention: Decrease number of teacher resignations each year


On Target

Target Goal

Reduce overall percentage annually

Key Performance Indicator

Culture and Climate: Improve percentage of staff who feel their school and school leadership foster a positive and safe environment.


Baseline established 2024

Target Goal


Key Performance Indicator

Staff Performance Rating: Increase and maintain percentage of teachers rated effective


On Target

Target Goal

95% of teachers rated as effective

Key Performance Indicator

Increase number of classroom walkthroughs for teachers



Target Goal


Family & Community Partnerships

GOAL 4: Cultivate trusting partnerships with families and the community striving for pride, engagement, and commitment and expand learning opportunities for each student.

Key Performance Indicator

Community Partnerships: Increase opportunities for students to participate in service learning internships, CTE, trades, and co-ops.


No Progess

Target Goal

1 - Co-op 
1 - Trade Partnership
1 - Service Learning 

Key Performance Indicator

Community Perception: Positively improve the community perception of Eastpointe Community Schools based on response to community surveys.



Target Goal


Key Performance Indicator

Family Satisfaction: Increase percentage of families responding positively on an annual survey regarding: belonging supportive environment, relationship with peers & teachers, and diversity and inclusion.


Baseline established Spring 2024

Target Goal


Key Performance Indicator

Conference Attendance: Increase the percentage of families who participate in parent/teacher conferences.



Target Goal


Key Performance Indicator

Enrollment: Increased student enrollment based on count data


Ahead of Target

Target Goal

Maintain or increase enrollment trends

Key Performance Indicator

Student Participation: Increased Number of Athletic Teams and Student Participation in Athletics


On Target

Target Goal


Key Performance Indicator

Community Engagement: Increased interactions with District Social Media and Websites


On Target

Target Goal

Increase social media followers by 5% annually

Resources: Finances, Facilities, & Technology

GOAL 5: Align human, financial, and physical resources to ensure integrity and equity in resource allocation and planning.

Key Performance Indicator

Facility Usage: Explore facility reorganization and/or consolidation to improve efficiency and effectiveness in delivery of programs and services to our students and families.


In progress

Target Goal

Efficient and effective in our building use, aligned to our programing services. 

Key Performance Indicator

Utilization: Improve building utilization percentages



Target Goal

80% occupancy rate in district facilities

Key Performance Indicator

Fund Balance: Maintain a fund balance of at least 25%


Ahead of Target

Target Goal

25% or more in fund balance

Key Performance Indicator

Out of District Contracts: Explore new contracts with food, custodial, maintenance, and transportation to improve quality.


Ahead of Target

Target Goal

Evaluate custodial, transportation, and maintenance contracts

Key Performance Indicator

Custodial: Improve staff, parent, and student satisfaction regarding building cleanliness


Baseline established 2024

Target Goal


Key Performance Indicator

Transportation: Improve staff and family satisfaction regarding transportation services


Baseline established 2024

Target Goal


Key Performance Indicator

Food Services: Improve parent and student satisfaction regarding food services


Baseline established 2024

Target Goal


Key Performance Indicator

Pass No-Tax-Rate Increase Bond (August 2023) to fund building and technology repairs and upgrades



Target Goal

Bond passed

Portrait of an ECS Adult

Collaborative Communicator Communicates confidently and contributes thoughtfully
Culturally Competent Reciprocal in trust, respect, and valuing the community
Empathetic & Ethical Understanding, trusting, and passionate
Growth Focused Committed to continuous improvement
Organized Professional Prepared and competent inside and outside the classroom
Respectful Treats students and families with fairness and consideration
Student Centered Problem solver focused on meeting student needs
Team Player Personally and collectively responsible in work tasks

Portrait of an ECS Graduate

Adaptive & Resilient Flexible, persistent, and able to face and overcome adversity
Critical Thinker Approaches issues with a creative and analytical mind
Culturally Competent Reciprocal in trust, respect, and valuing the community
Digitally Literate Applies proficient technology skills to address and solve problems
Empowered Leader Autonomous and courageous in driving and inspiring others
Future Ready Committed to innovation and global citizenship
Impactful Collaborator Communicates confidently and contributes thoughtfully
Self-Sufficient Competent and sustained in personal responsibilities

Portrait of an ECS System

Clear Mission & Vision Clearly articulated purpose and long-term goals
Family Engagement High levels of involvement with families and community
High Standards Expectations of excellence in both teaching and learning
Innovation & Relevance Valuing skills and traits with real-world applications
Meaningful Partnerships Work within community for benefit of families
Respectful of Others Students, families, and staff treated with consideration and care
Sense of Belonging Feeling of inclusion and community for staff, students and families
Student Centric Decisions made in the best interests of students
Transparent Communication High levels of collaboration and open communication